Fiction: Investigate a range of traditional stories and stories from other cultures. Focus on the setting, the characters, the key events, the story ending and the language used.
Poetry: Investigate poems with predictable and patterned language.
Non-Fiction: Investigate dictionaries, glossaries, indexes and other alphabetically ordered texts. Locate words and information using initial letter/s. Explore simple definitions & explanations.
Children will experience a variety of writing tasks and will be encouraged to revise and edit their work so that it is the best they can produce. Presentation will focus upon legibility with distinguished ascenders and descenders, appropriate use of upper and lower case letters and correct spacing.
Sentence & Word Level:
P3-Common & proper nouns, singular & plural, verbs and verb tenses, adjectives & compound words.
P4-Types of nouns, singular & plural, verb tenses, homophones, commas, question marks & exclamation marks.
Phonics: Phonics activities from the Jolly Phonics programme.
Spelling: Spelling activities from the Complete Spelling Scheme.
Reading: Guided reading groups, library books and class topic books
• Recognise, read and write numbers within 100
• Know number after/ before/ between within 100
• Identify missing numbers within 100
• Order consecutive & non-consecutive numbers within 100 (increasing & decreasing)
• Understand the value of any number within 100 in terms of tens & units
• Addition & subtraction within 100
• Solving problems involving addition & subtraction within 100
• HTU subtraction with decomposition
• HTU subtraction mixture
• Subtraction problems
• Multiplication as practical grouping/repeated addition/multiplication sign/ commutative aspect
• 2,3,4,5 & 10 times tables
• Multiplication of TUs & HTUs with and without carry
• Multiplication problems
• Using non-standard units to measure length/ weight/ capacity & area.
• Days of the week sequence- today/ tomorrow/ yesterday
• Months of the year sequence & seasons
• Revision of o’clock & half past
• Introduce a quarter past- analogue & digital time
• Calculate durations involving hour, half hour & quarter past start and finish times
• Using rulers and other equipment to measure length in centimetres & metres
• Finding area and perimeter by counting squares.
• Measuring weight in grams & kilograms and capacity in millilitres & litres
• Revision of o’clock, half past & a quarter past
• Introduction to 5 minute intervals past the hour in analogue & digital time
• Time problems: durations/times earlier/times later
• Addition of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 within 20 / subtraction of 3, 4 & 5
• 2,3,4,5 & 10 times tables
Mental Maths: (Competencies)
• Count forwards/ backwards in 1/2s within 100, from different starting numbers
• Add/ subtract 10 to/from any number using the 50 grid
• Add/ subtract a multiple of 10 to/from a multiple of 10 using the 50 grid
• Add/ subtract a multiple of 10 to/from any number using the 50 grid
• Know doubles to 10+10
• Know the components of 10 (P4- know the components of 20)
• Add/ subtract a single digit to/ from a teen number/ any 2 digit number without bridging 10
• Add two single digit numbers bridging 10
• What must be added to a multiple of 10 to make 100
• What must be added to/subtracted from a 2 digit number to make the next/previous multiple of 10
• Add/ subtract 11 to any number within 100
• Add/ subtract 21, 31, 41 etc to any number within 100
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
Difficult Feelings: Feeling jealous, Feeling excluded, Feeling resentful, Feeling surprised.
Friendships: Friends, Trust, Co-operation, Being assertive, Changes.
World Around Us
What is a pirate? Pirate poems, songs & rhymes. Pirate phrases.
What were they like? What characteristics are needed to be a pirate?
Do pirates still exist?
Famous pirates- Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, Mary Read etc. Wanted posters.
Pirate ships- identify the parts & what each is used for, floating & sinking, pirate flags, forces.
Pirate attack- cannons, pirate weapons, Davy Jones Locker.
Pirate adventures- treasure hunts, treasure maps & pirate logs.
Life on a pirate ship- jobs, food & drink, pirate rules, a hard life.
Pirate day- dress up and take part in a range of pirate activities!
Homeworks are copied down each morning and list what is to be completed for the next day.
Each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the children will be given spellings, tables, reading and a short homework. On Thursday the children will revise all the spellings and tables for that week in preparation for a Friday test.
Other Important Information Points To Remember
The Spelling Homework book is to be used daily (Mon-Wed) to copy out each spelling neatly in the spaces provided. They will be collected in every Thursday to be checked.
Test books sent home every Friday need be returned the following Monday.
The Reading Record book needs to be signed every day to show that reading has been reinforced at home and please ensure it is brought to school every day together with the current reading book.
Written homeworks completed in the Numeracy/ Literacy homework book need to be checked and signed before return. A special gold star will reward excellent homework. When a child achieves a full row of stars on their individual star chart a homework pass will be given.
Other Information
• Money: Please make sure all money is enclosed securely and labelled appropriately. As far as possible all money should be sent into school on Monday to avoid disruption during class time.
• School milk: Milk will cost £18 for the last half of the year. This must be paid before Friday 19th January and will commence on Monday 5th February 2018.
• After school activities: Starting back week beginning 29th January 2018
Choir- every Tuesday at lunchtime
Irish Dancing- every Friday to 3.45pm
• Healthy Kidz Club: Thursdays £2 per session. P1-3 (2-3pm) P4-7 (3-4pm)
Remember PE kit and a bottle of water.
• PE: Remember kits Tuesday ( Healthy Kidz with Chris Wright) and Friday.
• Library: School library every Friday. Mobile library van every other Friday. Please make sure books are well kept and returned each week.